Give Thanks / Sthuthikaam Nammal Nandiyaal
Songwriter/Composer/Translator Henry Smith
Malayalam version of Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart
To play the song in C, put capo on first fret.
Db Ab Stuthikam namall nanniyayi Bbm Fm Stuthikam parishudhane Gb Db B Ab Stuthikam putrane thanna daivathe stuthikam Fm Bbm Ebm Aakayal durbalan njan balawanayi Ab Db Sadhu njanum dhanyanayi Bbm B Ab Yehsu ente rakshakan aayathal Fm Bbm Ebm Aakayal durbalan njan balawanayi Ab Db Sadhu njanum dhanyanayi Bbm B Ab Yehsu ente rakshakan aayathal Db Stuthikam
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