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SONGS OF PRAISE runs on revenue from ads and the support of benevolent users. If you found this site useful please take a moment to support it. God bless.

The right harmony, with the correct chords, can make worship sound pleasing and satisfying. This site aims at just that, to facilitate God’s people to worship Him in a more befitting manner, not just a casual manner. I don’t mean to say that God would be happier when He hears the right chords. We all know that God sees the heart. But, in the church (or anywhere during worship), playing the correct chords can make a big difference (to the human ears). By giving for the upkeep of this site, you are making more and more worship teams be harmonious and more and more people really enjoy worship.

Donations need not be big, for “little drops of water make up the mighty ocean”. You can donate to:

Susan Peter
Account No. – 17200100054763
IFSC Code – FDRL0001868

If you are in India you can make payment to UPI ID – susanjiji77@okhdfcbank

Or, you can scan QR code:

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