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Articles stemming from my Bible study, my music study and sundry observations.

Most Important Dates In Church History

A compilation of the most important dates in Church history. (c. is abbreviation of the Latin word circa which means ...

How To Easily Play Guitar Solos All Over The Fretboard

Are you struggling to memorize scales on the guitar fretboard? This lesson will help you to easily play riffs anywhere ...

Messianic Prophecies

A compilation of the prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament. Prophecy Description Fulfillment Gen 3:15 Seed of a woman ...

Guitar Chords Dictionary

The number on the left side of chord diagram is the fret number. The numbers in black circles are finger ...
/ Music Theory

Because He Lives: Story Behind the Song

″... because I live, ye shall live also.” - John 14:19 The subject of this story is one of the ...
/ Blog, Other Topics, songwriter

The Story Behind What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Joseph Scriven was born in Ireland in 1820. He was educated at Trinity College in Dublin and was engage to ...
/ Blog, joseph scriven, songwriter

Why Christianity grew

Several factors contributed to the growth of Christianity, which originated in AD 29 in a tiny geographical area and rapidly ...

The Tomb Was Empty

The tomb was empty. With no body inside, it was never venerated as a shrine. The disciples could not have ...

Make a Favourite Songs List

Malayalam Songs List Hindi Songs List English Songs List If you are a guitarist/keyboard player in a church worship team, ...
/ faq, Other Topics

Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Fiction?

He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign ...
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