Worthy is the Lamb
Songwriter/Composer/Translator Darlene Zschech
D A Thank you for the cross, Lord D E A Thank you for the price you paid F#m E D Bearing all my sin and shame, in love you came Bm A E And gave Amazing Grace D A Thank you for the scars, Lord D E A Thank you for the nail-pierced hands F#m E D Wash me in Your cleansing flow, now all I know Bm A E Your forgiveness and embrace A E Worthy is the Lamb Bm A D Seated on the throne E E A D We crown You now with many crowns Bm A E You reign victorious A E High and lifted up Bm A D Jesus, Son of God E E A D E The darling of Heaven, crucified Bm A D Worthy is the Lamb Bm A E Worthy is the Lamb
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